
In the game, there is such a thing as the influence of a colony on the planet. It depends on the number of hubs the colonist has, and on how long ago he built them. If a player colonizes not one but several planets, the influences of all colonies are not cumulative. Each colony will have its own influence and status.

As soon as a player colonizes a new planet, his influence on this planet will be equal to 0, and it will not grow until he builds at least one hub. Each hub increases influence by +1 every minute. When the hub is destroyed, the owner of the hub loses the Nth part of the influence, here N is the number of hubs before the destruction. For example, if there were 10 hubs, the owner loses 1/10 of the influence. If there were 2 hubs, loses half of the influence. If it was the only hub, the influence becomes zero.

With one hub, you can gain 14400 influence points in 10 days. The player with the 14400 points and the most influence among other players, considered the owner of the planet. In this case, his colony counts towards the overall rating.


The influence of a colonist determines his status on the planet. A peaceful player will have one of the following statuses: Attacking a peaceful player is considered a crime. The player who violated the law, depending on his influence, receives one of the criminal statuses: Productivity penalties are cumulative, the more invaders and illegals, the lower the overall mining productivity of the planet. Everyone gets fined, including the violators themselves.

Any player is allowed to attack a criminal, and this is not considered a violation of the law. The criminal himself can also attack any other player, he does not need to specifically declare war for this.

In the game, the units of all criminals are displayed in red. Illegals - yellow. Units of peaceful players are blue. Your units are always green, whether you are a criminal or not. If the buildings are disconnected from the hub, then they are displayed in a more gray color.

Change of ownership:

If a peaceful player gains more influence points than the owner, he becomes the new governor of the planet. The former owner depending on his status, tyrant or governor, becomes respectively either an invader or a refugee. An amnesty is declared on the planet, all illegals are again declared refugees, each refugee is again given a residence permit for five days.

If the influence of the invader becomes greater than that of the governor, anarchy ensues on the planet. During anarchy, the planet has no governor, everyone receives the status of a criminal and a 10% penalty to mining and production speed, Any player can attack any player and this is not considered a violation of the law. Anarchy lasts 3 days, after which all criminal statuses for all players are nullify, the player with the most influence becomes the new governor of the planet, and all settlers receive refugee status with a residence permit for 5 days.

If any invader gains more influence points than a tyrant, then he becomes a new tyrant. The criminal status of the former tyrant is preserved, only now he becomes an invader. In this case, the change of ownership does not affect other players.


The goal of the game is to colonize the Earth and become its owner.

A player's rating depends on how close his planet is to Earth. The closer, the higher the player's rating. Please note that only the planets belonging to the player are taken into account in the rating calculation. If you just colonized a planet, but do not yet own it, this colony does not participate in the calculation of the overall rating. You must be either a governor or a tyrant.

The leader of the rating is the one who owns the Earth. If the Earth does not yet have an owner, the leader is the one whose planet is closest to the Earth.

In addition, for the colonization of the Earth, players, depending on their influence and status, receive various bonuses to
