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Creation cost:
- wood 1000; stone 2000; iron 500; energy 500; copper 200

- wood 500; stone 1000; iron 250; copper 100

- In the laboratory reactor, you can mix some resources to transform them into others.
- Starting a reactor requires energy and at least one resource.
- Each resource has its own ideal proportion of ingredients. If the resources loaded into the reactor do not match any of the recipes, the laboratory will work extremely inefficiently. As a result of the reaction, a mixture of various resources will be obtained, plus stone and energy as by-products.
- By experimenting with different ingredients and proportions, you can notice certain patterns. Knowing these patterns, you can experimentally select the exact recipes for each specific resource.
- A recipe is considered perfect if the reaction produces only one resource without the admixture of stone, energy or other resources. Only in this case the laboratory works with maximum productivity.
- Ants cannot be loaded into the reactor.
- In the laboratory you can get any resources except food, wood and ants.
- The reaction time and the amount of output resources are proportional to the amount of input resources.