Tank capacity:3000

Creation cost:
- iron 4000; copper 500; uranium 1000; energy 3000; oil 3000

- iron 2000; copper 250; uranium 500

- The starship has 15 cargo cells, each cell holds 1000 units any resource.
- To load a starship, select the spaceport on which it is based. Then on the bottom panel of resources, click on the resources you want to download. At the same time, buttons will appear on the starship panel indicating which resources have already been loaded. And accordingly, if you click on one of these buttons, the resource will be unloaded.
- Unlike other starships, a cargo starship can only be sent to your own colony, not to a non-colonized planet. If there is no free spaceport at the destination, then the starship itself will collapse upon landing, but the cargo will not be damaged. If there is a free spaceport, then the ship will land at the spaceport. In this case, all cargo will remain on the starship until you unload it.
- When landing at the spaceport, the starship requires refueling and some time for repairs.