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Creation cost:
- stone 10000; iron 5000; coal 5000; oil 2000; copper 500; silver 500

- stone 5000; iron 2500; coal 2500; oil 1000; copper 250; silver 250

- Colony Ship
- Heavy Colony Ship
- Descent starship
- Cargo starship
- Ark
- Geological probe
- Trading station

Space travel rules:
- If you send a ship to a previously colonized planet, which already has a free spaceport, then the ship will land at the spaceport. After landing, refueling is required and some time for repairs.
- If the planet is uninhabited or there is no free space center then the ship will be destroyed, while the cargo and crew will not suffer. In this case, the crew will land at a random location.
- If you light a campfire before landing, the crew will land not in a random place, but near the campfire.
- When destroying the spaceport on which a fully fueled ship is based, a very powerful explosion is formed, be careful.