View radius:20

Creation cost:
- wood 1000; stone 1000; iron 200

- wood 500; stone 500; iron 100

- On the market you can buy and sell resources for gold, and you can also buy paints.
- The market building provides access to both the local and the global market at the same time. In addition, in order to access the global market, it is also necessary to build a spaceport and put a trading station into the orbit of the planet.
- The local market for each planet is different, and depending on the availability of resources, prices in local markets can vary greatly. There is only one global market, common to the entire universe.
- For one transaction, you can buy or sell 100 units of a resource on the local market, 1000 on the global one.
- The transaction tax for the local market is 10%, for the global market it is two times lower, only 5%.
- When you buy a resource, the price for it increases slightly. Conversely, when you sell, the price decreases slightly. In the local market, the price changes by 10%, in the global market by only 2%.